Electric boat

Choose a vacation on Alūksnes lake with friends or family. Electric boats are easy to drive and safe. Since the boats have electric motors, they are quiet. The capacity of the boat is 4-5 people. Before the trip, we give a briefing to the customers and give them life jackets.A driving license is not required to drive a boat. You steer the boat yourself. The boat has only two speeds - forward and backward. The duration of the boat trip can reach up to 5 hours.Reservation is not possible - rent on the spot.Boat rental may not work due to bad weather (rain, wind).
The boats are located 50m from Velo Osta on the shore of the lake. Payment in cash or by card.
30 minūtes
€ 10.00
1 stunda
€ 15.00
2 stundas
€ 30.00